Node Instructions

Last update: 2024-09-15

The section below will guide you through installing a DKG node on NeuroWebAI. Please refer to the subsections to turn your current node into a multinode setup or installing a Gnosis node only.

You need 50k teleported TRAC to run a V6 node on NeuroWeb AI. Teleport happens once a month on the 15th of each month and is a temporary measure while waiting for the common good Polkadot Parachain bridge, Snowbridge, built by Snowfork.

If you want to delegate your TRAC rather than running your own node, staking will soon be available on Gnosis chain so stay tuned!

Step 1 - Create a total of 4 wallets

You must create a total of 4 wallets for the first step.


EVM Operational wallets

Hot wallets for non admin node operations Example: Metamask


EVM Management wallet

Cold wallet for admin node operations where your TRAC is held Example: Ledger


Substrate Operational wallet

Wallet to map with wallet #1 Example: polkadot.js, Talisman wallet


Substrate Management wallet

Wallet to map with wallet #2 Example: polkadot.js, Talisman wallet

Mapping a hardware EVM wallet (such as Ledger) to a hot substrate wallet (such as polkadot.js or Talisman wallet) could expose your funds to the Internet since both EVM and substrate wallets can have full access to your funds on the Polkadot Ecosystem. Ledger integration with parachains is in the works.

Step 2 - Add the OriginTrail Mainnet Network onto MetaMask

Add the NeuroWeb Mainnet Network on your MetaMask client and switch to it.

Network nameNeuroWeb Mainnet


Chain ID


Currency symbol


Step 3 - Fund your wallets with NEURO

There are currently 2 ways to fund your wallet with NEURO

  1. Bridge ERC-20 TRAC from Ethereum using Portal Bridge to Moonbeam, then use Stellaswap to swap moonbeamTRAC to NEURO.

  2. Ask for some NEURO on OriginTrail Node Community.

You need at least 1 NEURO to keep your substrate wallet active and another NEURO for transaction fees (total: 2 NEURO). You need 2 NEURO on both of your substrate wallets (wallet 3 and 4 from step 1).

Step 4 - Map your wallets

Mapping is a permanent method to link an EVM to a substrate wallet so actions on either chain will reflect on your mapped wallet.

Once the funding of both substrate wallets are completed, head to the mapping interface and select Parachain Mainnet.

Your goal here is to map wallet 1 and 3 together, and wallet 2 and 4 together from step 1.

To do so, connect to the mapping interface with the appropriate MetaMask wallet and paste the corresponding substrate wallet. 2 pop-ups will follow and sign both transactions.

If mapping doesn't prompt you with 2 transactions, make sure you have at least 2 NEURO on your substrate wallet, try disabling all other extensions and restart your browser. You can also use a different browser. Choose between Chrome, Brave, Firefox.

Repeat for wallet 2 and 4 from step 1 and you would have completed the mapping process for your node.

Step 5 - Fund your management wallet with teleported TRAC

You require a minimum of 50k TRAC to run a mainnet node. You must fund your EVM Management wallet with the required amount (wallet 2). You can purchase TRAC on platforms such as Coinbase, Kucoin, Binance US, Huobi and Uniswap and once purchased, you need to teleport them to NeuroWeb. OT-RFC-16 is currently underway to determine how to bridge TRAC to the OT Parachain and back.


NEURO is used as gas to send teleported TRAC so always have at least 2 NEURO on each wallet containing teleported TRAC.

To view your TRAC balance on Metamask, first switch your network to NeuroWeb Network, then add the TRAC token address using the import function


You can also view your teleported TRAC balance on Subscan.

Step 6 - Install your node

In order to deploy your OriginTrail V6 node on NeuroWeb, you will need a Linux (Ubuntu) server with the following minimum recommended hardware:

  • 4GB RAM

  • 2CPUs

  • 50GB HDD space

Log into the server as root. You cannot use sudo and run this script.

Gather the following information:



Public address of wallet #1 in step 1


Private key of wallet #1 in step 1


Public address of wallet #2 in step 1


Your choice of token name


The token symbol of your token name

Run the one-liner installer script:

cd /root/ && curl -k -o && chmod +x && ./

You must choose a SQL password for the installer to work. Do not leave that field empty.


In order to use aliases to quickly check node logs, start/stop/restart node, change node config, you must execute the following script after the installation:

source ~/.bashrc

Once the sourcing is done, try the following: otnode-logs





You have now successfully completed your node installation! You can check the logs by using the alias otnode-logs.

After successfully installing your V6 node on NeuroWeb, you can check out advanced network statistics on or by querying the Telegram @othubbot.

Even though your node is online, your node does not have any stake nor ask price, which will be covered on Step 7.

You can either do Step 7A or 7B for the following section. 7A requires the use of Houston to set your stake and ask, while 7B uses your node command line interface.

Step 7A - Houston

Houston V6 Node Command Center is an interface to help manage your node and view network statistics.

First, log in with your management and operational EVM wallets;

Go to tab "Service Tokenomics";

Input your ask price and sign the transaction. The current average network ask is 0.01 TRAC/(epoch * KB);

Input the amount of stake you want.

Input your node operator fee.

Restart your node:

systemctl restart otnode

You can then visit the staking dashboard to find your node.

Step 7B - Set-stake and set-ask

As of February 2024, you need to set up your node operator fee on Houston. You can set up node ask and node stake on the same Houston platform, so the new recommendation is to follow step 7A.

The installer above will only set up all the prerequisites and node files. You must run 2 scripts to create the node profile and set your service ask price.

Gather the following information:


EVM Operational wallet private key

private key from wallet 1 in step 1

EVM Management wallet private key

private key from wallet 2 in step 1

Hub Contract Address

0x5fA7916c48Fe6D5F1738d12Ad234b78c90B4cAdA Check the official link to make sure it is the correct one.

Ask price

Your price as a node runner to host assets, currently 0.01 TRAC/(epoch * KB)



Your initial stake for your node (minimum: 50,000)

Navigate to the current ot-node version folder:

cd /root/ot-node/current

Once you have all the information above, run the following command by replacing the values in <> with the correct information (you can also change the other options if needed):

Set the stake of your node:

npm run set-stake -- --rpcEndpoint= --stake=50000 --operationalWalletPrivateKey=<private_key> --managementWalletPrivateKey=<private_key> --hubContractAddress=0x5fA7916c48Fe6D5F1738d12Ad234b78c90B4cAdA

Set the service ask of your node:

npm -C /root/ot-node/current run set-ask -- --rpcEndpoint= --ask=0.01 --privateKey=$(jq -r '.modules.blockchain.implementation.otp.config.evmOperationalWalletPrivateKey' /root/ot-node/.origintrail_noderc) --hubContractAddress=0x5fA7916c48Fe6D5F1738d12Ad234b78c90B4cAdA

Once you are done, restart the node:

systemctl restart otnode

Check the logs, everything should be completed!



You can now use aliases such as otnode-logs to quickly view logs without having to type the entire string above!

Last updated